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Open innovation interactive catalogue



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Criteria of innovation
Innovation of product, service, and use; Process and organizational innovation; Technological innovation; Social innovation

High Tech, New technologies, mobile, App, start-up, prototype

How the company was founded

Established as start-up facilitator in 2016 by Apple and the University of Naples, just outside the Neapolitan capital, in the Federico II University complex that also houses the Faculty of Engineering.

What type of company it is

Developer Academy of Naples, a "school for developers" and also a true international digital district has been created where technology history is being made, one that can offer a future to many promising young people specialising in developing software solutions and services. Its mission is to streamline and improve IT use for both individuals and businesses. It offers a wide range of innovative app to make lives easier and efficient.

Which open innovation practice are you describing

Selected students undertake a nine-month study-research-creation program, entirely in English, on topics such as software development, app design, start-up creation and the digital economy. The academy has developed a very many mobile apps via its students and tutored young entrepreneurs in order to give all kind of users a cost-effective solution to manage many aspects of their lives. All these solutions are conceived and developed in a very open creative-area and allow integration with other industries and systems.

Why it was successful

This very unique program, designed by Apple and the Federico II University of Naples, offers incredible opportunities for aspiring app developers as it joins in the same place base research-applied research and business. The academy has started with a few selected young developers, and now has trained thousands of developers and start-uppers improving the number and quality of the applications created.

Who is the target group of the solution

The Academy allows efficient, continuous and profitable exchange between academic research and the business world involving students and aspiring young entrepreneurs.

What is the portability of the practice and are there any transversal aspects for application across other sectors

This practice has considerable potential for transfer in other locations and sectors. The main features consist in academic source of education and training, and an industry which is strictly connected and ready to experiment and adopt solutions within its business and SMEs.