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Open innovation interactive catalogue



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Criteria of innovation
Innovation of product, service, and use

Training, mobile app, microlearning, medical education

How the company was founded

EU project and funding under the European Regional Development Fund.

What type of company it is

Medu is a Polish company whose core business is educational services. To meet demand in the medical education sector, the company has created an innovative solution - the mobile app Medu.

Which open innovation practice are you describing

Medu, an innovation launched by the company, is a mobile app filled with accessibly designed knowledge, repetition questions, practical exercises and mini-games. This is presented in an accessible, visually appealing format. It is all about learning in the field of medicine. Selected courses are also supplemented with physical products (e.g. a suture kit), so that at home, people using it can train in surgical suturing or laparoscopy, among other things.

Why it was successful

The solution offers users learning aligned to current digitised standards, harnessing the potential of modern technology. Real patient data in the mobile app, as well as physical products acting as a trainer, effectively enable training close to real-world conditions. Medu helps users to develop themselves, analyse and track their progress and acquire new skills wherever they are, using a smartphone.

Who is the target group of the solution

The Medu app is primarily aimed at students interested in medicine, medical students, doctors who want to improve their practical skills and medical staff who want to develop themselves.

What is the portability of the practice and are there any transversal aspects for application across other sectors

The practice of Medu, a mobile app offering accessible medical education with practical exercises and physical products, has notable transferability potential. Its emphasis on combining digital learning with tangible training materials can be adapted for various sectors requiring hands-on skill development, such as healthcare, technical training, or even vocational education. The concept of blending digital content with physical tools for practical learning can enhance training experiences and knowledge acquisition in diverse fields beyond medicine.