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Open innovation interactive catalogue



Average rating: 0.0
Moschato, Attika

General entrepreneurship


Contact information (website, SM, other)

Criteria of innovation
Social innovation; Process and organizational innovation

Innovation labs, Crowd hackathons, Accelerator programs in the fields of smart cities, fintech, insurtech, energy, and agrifood

How the company was founded

The idea emerged as every organization, whether public or private, needs improvement and redefinition in various areas, which is particularly important in the current unfavourable economic climate. Crowdsourcing methodology and Open Innovation, in general, are two modern approaches that come to cope with the rapidly changing conditions with the continuous adaptation of organizations and businesses to the new environment.

What type of company it is

Since 2012, Crowdpolicy has been offering civictech and fintech business systems and open innovation services in Greece and Cyprus. They've organized many open innovation projects like innovation labs, crowd hackathons, and accelerator programs in areas like smart cities, fintech, insurtech, energy, and agrifood. With more than 400 teams and 5000 participants involved, they've built a thriving startup community.

Which open innovation practice are you describing


Why it was successful

The provision of a large number of ideas and information when the crowd is confronted with a problem, meaning the wisdom of the crowd, from which innovative ideas and useful conclusions emerge.

Who is the target group of the solution

Everyone that wants to share their ideas.

What is the portability of the practice and are there any transversal aspects for application across other sectors

This practice can be used in every sector, all around the globe.